Monday, October 26, 2009

Word of the Week #8

Word: Promulgate (verb)

Def: 1. To make known by open declaration: proclaim 2. To make known or public the terms of a proposed law 3. To put a law into action or force

Sentence: ...and new laws be promulgated with so much solemnity, that before the constitution could be disturbed, there would be time enough for everyone to reflect that it is above all the great antiquity of laws which makes them sacred and venerable, that men soon come to despise laws which can be changed every day; and that when the habit is acquired of neglecting ancient usages in the name of improvement, great evils are often introduced in the endeavour to correct lesser ones.

Source: Jean-Jacques Rousseau "A Discourse on Inequality" (pg 60)

New Sentence: Laws are often promulgated to the public in deceiving ways.

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