Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog #2: My Favorite Writing: Rick Reilly

Rick Reilly is a renowned sports journalist who has made a great career out of being both witty and brutally honest about what is going on in the world of sports. I used to read his piece in Sports Illustrated almost every week and fell in love with his humor and writing style. He occupied the back page of Sports Illustrated for many years and you could count on a well thought out and entertaining read about sports and how it often parodies life.
His writing is non-stop comedy to my taste. Reilly is excellent at drawing comparisons between an athlete's features and a material object. For example, he describes Tom Brady's chin as one you could "crack coconuts on." He no longer writes for Sports Illustrated but does appear on a few websites from time to time. Here is a funny article he wrote about Tom Brady that I recall reading a while back. I think you will enjoy it if you know a little about Brady and Reilly as a writer. It's not from a actual copy of SI but rather from an Internet archive so I don't have the page number or anything like that.

Hey, dude, haven't had a date since the Fig Festival 12 years ago? Are you about as cool as a Bob Dole bumper sticker? Do girls walk by you like you're running a seminar on jock itch?

Buddy, your worries are over. Tom Brady, coolest man on the planet, has volunteered to be your new cool coach.

'What are you staring at?' "

Humility. Check.

"I mean, I'm just walking out the door, you know? And people follow me! I have to disguise myself now. I never go out without a hoodie on. My head is always down! I never make eye contact anymore! It's like I'm not even myself!"

True to yourself . Check.

The one person Brady has always wanted to meet is Tiger Woods, but he's never had the nerve to introduce himself, even after he was in Woods's gallery recently outside Boston.

Shy is cool. Check.

His rival for top QB in the league, Peyton Manning, has done every commercial short of adult diapers, but Brady has done almost zero, even though, with his looks and charm and game, he could sell pogo sticks to seniors.

"You realize you're turning down a lot of dough, yeah, but it's just not me. I'm just not going to go out and do a Chunky Soup ad.... Like that [MasterCard] ad Peyton did about, 'Cut that meat! Cut that meat!' -- our D-line yelled that every time he came up to the line. 'Cut that meat!' Man, I'm so glad I didn't do that one."

Integrity. Check.

Ask him: What about a bar in Hollywood? Or a restaurant in SoHo? It would be the hottest joint since Bachelors III! He looks at you like you're from Pluto. "You mean, like Namath's? Oh, man, my mom loved Joe Namath. But I don't think I could pull off something like that."

Modesty . Check.

See, Brady is Namath with a milk mustache. Mothers want him for supper and daughters for everything after. O.K., you might say, but how cool is it to get one woman pregnant (Moynahan) and be dating another (Bündchen)? Well, a) Brady says he didn't know Moynahan was pregnant until after they'd broken up, and b) Brady is aching to be a full-time dad. He was there three weeks ago for the birth of John Edward Thomas Moynahan.

"I kind of cuddled him like a football," Brady says, adding that it's killing him that he can't be in Los Angeles for every sneeze. "I'd love to be out there all the time, year-round, but it's hard to make that a reality. I live here. But I'll start lobbying for off days throughout the year."

Personal responsibility. Check.

O.K., but how about a few secrets? How do we get that Clooney stubble?

"This?" he says, rubbing his cheeks. "I just hate to shave."

Dates? "Whatever you do, keep 'em short. You can't let them know you're that interested. I try to get this across to my best friend. He's really into this girl, but I keep telling him she's got to leave that date thinking, What's wrong with me?"

Machiavellian mind games. Check.

Music back at the crib? "Definitely not Metallica. And no girl music, like Madonna. Something in between. John Legend always works for me."

And that's when he had to go. So that's all I've got. But if you're not dating at least one supermodel within six weeks, I'll double your money back.

"This is never going to work," Brady said as he was leaving.

Firm grasp on reality. Check.

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